An innovative team of industry-leading, cross-disciplinary experts committed to creating and realizing a visionary project based on sustainable and equitable development.

SOMOS was founded on the premise that clients need results-oriented solutions benefiting from professionals that are experts at harnessing multiple disciplines and expertise: qualitative and quantitative research, strategic planning, entitlements and permitting, communications, outreach and engagement, labor relations and government advocacy. Effective solutions to complex, systemic challenges require innovative services, cross-disciplinary expertise as well as experience in consulting with a broad range of stakeholders and communities.

What We Do


Research and prepare studies for smart cities aimed at innovating and attracting public-private investments, reforming systems for permitting and  regulating development, and improving access to resources.


Investigate best and highest use of land for government and private owners across industries and land types to guide policy, community benefits and site planning.


Plan, design and manage successful long range, master planning and land  use policies.


Guide, design and implement competitive bid programs and initiatives consulting closely with businesses, property owners, and residents.

Alfred Fraijo Jr.

Founder and CEO

Alfred is owner and principal of the Somos Group. Alfred specializes in managing the design and permitting of complex development projects for government and private sector clients. Under his leadership, a team of planners and consultants have developed some of the most transformative planning and research projects in urban communities spanning the commercial, residential, hospitality, and healthcare sectors. Alfred was recognized as one of the top 100 legal minds in California by the Daily Journal.

In addition to building a legal practice of renown, Alfred founded Somos Group to spearhead innovative projects for his clients that depend on partnerships and a broad-range of disciplines to reimagine urban placemaking. Alfred was born and raised in Los Angeles and is passionate about community service and serves on prominent real estate associations and organizations advancing urban redevelopment and social equity. Among his notable community work, Alfred serves on the Board of the California Community Foundation and is the founder of Inclusive Action for the City Inc., a multi-disciplinary nonprofit organization advocating for equitable land use and sustainable development policies.


Meet Our Team

Staffing & Leadership

  • Director of Operations & Special Projects - LinkedIn

  • Land Use Strategist - LinkedIn

  • Senior Planner - LinkedIn

  • Principal | Planning - LinkedIn

  • Director of Planning - LinkedIn

  • Office Manager | LA & SF

  • Land Use Strategist - LinkedIn

  • Associate Planner - LinkedIn

  • Practice Assistant

  • Co-Founder and Principal - LinkedIn

  • Co-Founder and COO - LinkedIn

  • Principal | Design - LinkedIn

Come By

304 South Broadway
Suite 350
Los Angeles, CA 90013